Chamado Ancestral
Uploaded by Mestre Yami 2 years ago for Voyage to the Sunken City
- ClassShaman
- FormatWild
- ArchetypeCombo Shaman
- Cost8,500
- Deck Views2,710
- Deck Comments0
0 Votes
Deck meme do xamã que tem como principal atacante o Muckmorpher, esse lacaio quando evocado ele se transforma em copia de um lacaio do nosso deck.
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- 4Ancestor's Call2
- 2Ancestral Spirit2
- 5Bloodlust1
- 2Devolve2
- 6Eureka!2
- 3Far Sight2
- 7 Glugg the Gulper1
- 1Investment Opportunity2
- 0Lightning Bloom2
- 5Muckmorpher1
- 10 Neptulon the Tidehunter1
- 1Overdraft1
- 2Perpetual Flame1
- 1Reincarnate2
- 1Scalding Geyser2
- 10Scrapyard Colossus2
- 8Walking Fountain1
- 2Windfury2
- 10 Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound1