Wolpertinger Shuffle Hunter
Uploaded by Eoin 2 years ago for Fractured in Alterac Valley
- ClassHunter
- FormatWild
- ArchetypeToken Hunter
- Cost2,140
- Deck Views3,116
- Deck Comments0
1 Votes
Generate endless big wolpertingers! This deck is suprisingly strong, though I'd recommend removing Spirit of the Lynx in favour of an extra Warsong Wrangler (I didn't have the dust)
Copy Deck Code
- 1Adorable Infestation2
- 5Defias Blastfisher2
- 0Devouring Swarm2
- 4Dire Frenzy2
- 1Leatherworking Kit2
- 3Northshire Farmer2
- 1Overwhelm2
- 2Scavenger's Ingenuity2
- 2Selective Breeder2
- 3Spirit of the Lynx1
- 2Starving Buzzard2
- 3Stitched Tracker2
- 1Tracking2
- 4Warsong Wrangler1
- 1Wolpertinger2
- 1Wound Prey2