Community Discussion Guidelines

Forum - General Discussion - Community Discussion Guidelines

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OPGenesis 2 years ago

The following are the rules and guidelines which are to be followed if you wish to make use of the commenting and posting systems on HearthCard. Users who do not follow these rules will be warned/banned. These rules are applied globally to the website.

As such, we will not abide by the following:

- Ageressive Mannerisms

- Name Calling

- Spreading of Misinformation

- User Targeting

- Low Effort Posting

- Spam Deck Description/Comments

- Marketing/Advertising

- Misuse of Report Functionality

- Explicit Custom Avatars

- Creating alt accounts to bypass bans/further harassments

- Exploitation of Website Mechanics

We want people to have a safe and enjoyable place to discuss Hearthstone and the decks and cards we have hosted here. Hearthstone is enjoyed by people who can be a wide variety of ages and as such these rules should be taken seriously. To do that we will be strongly enforcing rules to those who do not follow our guidelines. 

This may involve:

- Removing User Messages (which are replaced by a Moderator note)

- Strike-through Message + Moderator Note

- Giving Users a Warning

- Banning Users


We want to foster a good community here and we need your help to do that. If you see any user breaking any of the above rules, please make use of the report button.